Government, Latest News, Reedsville Coucil

Reedsville Council looking into demolition of old bank building

REEDSVILLE — The old bank building that sits on the corner of W.Va. 92 was a topic of discussion at the Monday council meeting.

Councilwoman Britney Titus made a motion to have council talk to County Litter Control Officer Jay Sowers about pursuing the issue and finding the cost of removing the building.

Council also discussed having town attorney Mark Gaydos contact the owner of the property and find out if he is going to tear it down or make improvements to it.

Council also discussed asking Gaydos about its concerns and stance on the issue and what legal rights the town would have going forward with the demolition of the property.

It was noted that an asbestos test will have to be done before the building can be demolished.

Quotes for paving the park basketball court were presented by Councilman Greg Burke.

Burke said a 4-by-47-by-50 court that would require 29 yards of concrete would cost $5,939.17 and a 3-by-47-by-50 court that would require 22 yards of concrete would cost $4,525.68.

Bids for the work will be requested. The project will include tree removal, concrete, installation of hoops and painting of courts.

In other business, council discussed the cost of a Boss snow plow with wings.

Burke said Sunset Outdoor Supply quoted $7,391.50 (installed) and Tresslers in Oakland, Md., gave him a quote of $7,500 – $7,600.

Councilman Scott Williams was asked to check with Smouse’s on 119 for a third quote.

Council purchased a new American flag to temporarily fly at town hall until WoodmenLife re-opens. WoodmenLife is currently closed due to COVID-19.

Titus said once the organization returns to its regular schedule it will donate a flag pole to the town. He said the pole will hold two flags.

The next meeting of Reedsville Council will be 6:30 p.m. Nov 9.
