Outdoor stations, drive -through options considered
If Westover can come up with a fun and safe way to hold trick or treating, it will.
Several council members opposed holding door-to-door trick or treating at Monday’s regular city council meeting.
Mayor Dave Johnson said a local church was working to come up with a way to hold trick or treating outdoors with stations so people could properly social distance.
Councilwoman Janice Goodwin suggested a drive through at the volunteer fire department and the possibility of funding it.
Council unanimously accepted the resignation of former police chief Rick Panico and officially appointed John Morgan as interim chief.
Councilman Ralph Mullins said he reached out to the Mon Metro Drug Task Force because he was upset Westover was being excluded and found out about the city joining because there are federal grants that would allow the city to hire an officer.
Morgan said when the task force first started taking members from each department, the city didn’t have the manpower — but he hopes the city can get someone on the task force.
Council also voted to pick the cheapest bid and replace two 1-ton dump trucks for about $65,000.
Flu, pneumonia and shingles shots will be available in Westover council chambers at 10 a.m. on Wednesday. City Clerk Sandie Weiss said people should let her know if they want a shot so Walgreens can bring enough.
The shots are free for the uninsured and the insured should bring their insurance card, Weiss said.
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