Cops and Courts, Kingwood Council, Latest News

Kingwood Police Chief asked for help at trial

KINGWOOD — Kingwood Police Chief Charley Haney told council members he received a call from Sheriff Dan Loughrie and Judge Stephen Shaffer asking for assistance at the trial of Scott Allen Cartwright, Haley Nicole Dinges and Dwight Howard Clarey.

He said the call resulted in him missing four days of work.

Haney said he sent Officer Gina McNemar the first day and he covered the other three.

Haney said while covering the trial he saw no Sheriff’s deputies present.

“The next day there were state troopers and I was told DNR (Department of Natural Resources) was there Friday,” he said. “Isn’t that their (deputies) job?”

Sheriff Dan Loughrie said his officers were at the trial.  He said  five utility officers and Deputy N. T. Queen were present.

“We have two deputies per shift,” Loughrie said. “Deputy John Bryan was there, too. He was a witness.”

Loughrie said he requested help from the City of Kingwood because Judge Steven Shaffer requested seven  officers be  present at the trial.

“If the city, the DNR and State Police hadn’t helped I would have had to call officers in on overtime,” Loughrie said.

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