
William Legan

William (Bill) Charles Legan, passed away on June 5, 2020, following a brief illness.

Most knew him as Mr. Legan, as he spent over 40 years in education teaching junior high and high school students in Indiana and West Virginia. He also volunteered teaching adult education in West Virginia and received a state award for doing so.

We knew him as a loving and giving father, husband and friend. He spent many summers working for the ASCS department measuring farmland, often bringing one of his kids to help at a dollar per hour rate. Several learned to drive at young ages in attempts to find him on the other side of a cornfield. He absolutely loved his Indiana and West Virginia roots and was extremely proud to call both home. Though he had many interests, history, genealogy, the Indy 500, NASCAR and college basketball were his most passionate subjects. Students often knew that if you mentioned the Indy 500 during class, you had a decent chance of turning a lecture into “race talk.” He was also a founding member of the “New Albany Liars Club,” which was a group comprised of honorable, older gentlemen who often gathered to solve the world’s problems and share some laughs. This small club gave him a real sense of friendship and community.

Bill was born Nov. 13, 1933, in Franklin, Ind. He graduated from Franklin High School in 1951. He graduated from Franklin College in 1957 with a Bachelor of Arts degree. He received his master’s degree in 1965 from Indiana University and also completed additional coursework at the University of Wyoming and West Virginia University. He taught 23 years in Indiana (Center Grove HS and Franklin HS) and over 16 years in West Virginia (Clay-Battelle HS and adult education). He was a member of the Teacher’s Associations in both states.

Bill was preceded in death by his first wife, Zana Lou McKeny Legan, to whom he was married for 43 wonderful years. Also preceding him in death were his father Carl “Sug” Legan, and mother Sylvia Boaz Legan. Bill is survived by his amazing and devoted wife of 14 years, Mary Lee Wildt Legan of New Albany, Ind. He has four surviving children (and their spouses): Daughter Tami Eller, of Centralia, Ill., son Brent and Michele Legan, of Fairview, son Jim and Lisa Legan and Jon and Laura Legan of Great Falls, Mont. He has six surviving grandchildren: Jessica Showen, Emily Withrow, Taylor Legan, Brady Legan, Eli Legan and Isabel Legan. He has two surviving great-grandchildren: Ethni and Lawson Withrow. He has three surviving step-children: Michael Wildt, Wendy Barbour and Steve Wildt. He has six surviving step-children: Rhegis, Remington, Rubi, Alex, Rachael and Patrick. Also surviving is his best friend and loyal companion, Lancelot, his loyal and trusting Miniature Pinscher.

Bill was an active church member most of his life, most recently attending Saint Marks in New Albany, Ind. He was on the Board of Deacons twice in previous churches and was active in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, in Indiana in, his younger years. He was a 32nd degree Mason and a member of the Scottish Rite. He will be extremely missed but we know that we will all meet again one day and that brings great comfort.

A private graveside service will be held and burial will be on the family farm beside his first wife, Zana Legan.

The Owen-Neely Funeral Home in Blacksville is in charge of arrangements.