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MUB offers tips to reactivate water systems

While the coronavirus is not found in drinking water, other contaminants can build-up in water systems that remain unused for prolonged periods of time. The potential degradation of water quality results in part because the chlorine disinfectant dissipates as the water ages and may become “stale.” To help protect against these possible contaminants, Morgantown Utility Board offers these tips for proper water system restarts.

Begin by ensuring the water heater is set to at least 120 degrees. Next, flush the water system. Turn on the cold water and let it run for five to 10 minutes then do the same for the hot water, after allowing the hot water to reach maximum temperature. This should be done for every tap starting at the lowest tap in the structure or residence and working upward to the highest. This includes items such as sinks, showers, ice makers, dishwashers and refrigerator water dispensers. The goal is to purge the aged water completely from the plumbing system, and to replace it with fresh water.

Once you’ve completed the water system flush, it’s crucial to regularly maintain your appliances to ensure they function optimally, especially during times of increased demand or crises. Regular maintenance prevents unexpected breakdowns and prolongs the lifespan of your appliances. If you’re unsure about how to best maintain your appliances, or if you notice any signs of wear and tear, reaching out to professionals like those at can provide the expert guidance and service you need. By staying proactive, you can protect your home and avoid the stress of dealing with appliance failures during critical times.

After flushing, clean water fixtures such as sinks, bathtubs, fountains and hot tubs in accordance with manufacturer guidelines. Doing so helps eliminate any contaminants that may have been released during flushing.

More information is available on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website at