
A resilience mindset keeps us feeling well

by Dr. Diane Karther

The coronavirus crisis has set our whole society off course. Of particular concern is the rise of panic and anxiety that we know is harmful to our physical and mental wellness. A “resilience mindset” could provide a way to strengthen our ability to withstand this attack.

Resilience is the ability to persevere and survive despite difficult experiences. A “resilience mindset” enables us to stay hopeful and strong using our “thinking brain” vs. our “emotional brain.” A first step is to focus on the positives. Adopt a daily habit of telling those in your family and outer world their strengths and your appreciation of them.

It’s especially helpful for children to hear what they do right and how they are valued. Secondly, view the change in schedules and even confinement to home as an opportunity to get things done that are long overdue (such as the closet clutter or home repair job) or learn something new (such as a new language or skill available online).

To build resilience, adopt healthy ways to calm and cope and build them into your daily routine. Do regular motor movements such as walking, stretching, yoga or other activity. Working our muscles leads to calm. Also practice deep breathing and calm imaging such as the beach vacation or other special place that feeds our soul. Connect directly with loved ones and long distant friends for old fashioned talks sharing good memories. Read a book to a child — even using Skype or WeChat — and share a giggle to make you smile. And last — ponder the outdoor wonders of spring buds, greening earth and bird nest building.

Make plans for the time in the near future when regular routines return. But continue resilience building to stay strong and healthy!

Dr. Diane Karther is a WVU graduate who currently lives in Ashland, Okla.