
West Virginia Ducks Unlimited chapters postpone events, plan to reschedule

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — West Virginia chapters of Ducks Unlimited have postponed their local events slated for March and April amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The most recent event to be postponed is the Mon River sporting clay shoot scheduled for April 18. The event was set to take place at Stonewall Sporting Clays in Roanoke.

The annual dinner in Elkins has also been postponed. It was slated for March 28 and is the biggest event for DU members in the state. Further, the Parkersburg social hour set for March 31 at Parkersburg Brewing Company has also been pushed back.

Ducks Unlimited will honor all tickets purchased or will refund anyone who can’t make the rescheduled event. Refunds also apply to those who choose to not go. No dates have been set for the rescheduled events, but DU does plan to hold the events.

Any questions can be directed to Elkins, Morgantown and Parkersburg area chairmen.

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