The West Virginia Division of Highways says repairs are complete and paving finished on a slip along W.Va. 72. Traffic lights were to be removed and both lanes reopened Friday.
The road slipped away on the Cheat River side during spring storms in 2018.
The state received federal disaster funds to make the repairs. BBR Drilling, of Belmont, Ohio, was the only bidder, at $361,328. The company didn’t start the job until after the scheduled completion date, so $150 per day penalties were imposed.
As of Feb. 14, the damages stood at $22,050. BBR had submitted two change orders by then, which would have raised the cost to $380,358. The state is to deduct the damages from payments made to BBR.
A 150-foot pile wall was built to repair the slip. The stop lights that maintained traffic on the one-lane section were removed after paving was done by a subcontractor.
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