Government, Latest News

City of Morgantown issues emergency public health measures

The Morgantown City Council adopted an emergency ordinance recognizing the declaration of a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the additional authorities granted to the City under the declaration, including expedited contracting or public works to combat the emergency, and authorizing emergency public health measures to be implemented by the city manager, if necessary.

These emergency public health measures include authority to limit public and private gatherings to 10 people – with exceptions for hospitals, shelters and other necessities.

City Council hopes, and believes, that mandating these protective public health measures will not be necessary.  City Council asks the community to voluntarily follow these guidelines to protect our families and neighbors from the dangers associated with the COVID-19 pandemic:

Stay home when at all possible.  We can be infected with the novel coronavirus for up to 10 days and transmit the disease to others without showing any symptoms.  The best way to prevent communicating the disease is to avoid physical contact with other people.

Do not gather in groups of 10 or more people.  Current federal guidance indicates we may dramatically limit the number of people infected and the most serious health consequences if we stop large gatherings.

Use carryout, drivethrough or delivery for prepared food and beverages.  This will limit close gatherings of large groups that may transmit the disease.

Work remotely.  If possible, work from home and/or allow your employees to work from home.

Practice good hygiene.  Wash hands frequently and thoroughly (with warm water and soap for 20 seconds).  Wipe surfaces – and your phone – with alcohol wipes.

Self-quarantine.  If you do exhibit symptoms of COVID-19, immediately quarantine yourself and contact emergency medicine providers by telephone.  

Be informed.  Stay up to date with CDC and WVDHHR recommendations for COVID-19. Get your information from these reputable sources, and follow official guidance from public health experts.