House panels said a lot
of words about Benghazi
Just a quick data point regarding Ralph Correll’s (DP Friday) letter to the editor. He stated that after Benghazi “nobody said a word.”
In fact, there were 10 investigations, including six by Republican-controlled House committees. The allegations included cover up and lying about the attack and aftermath. None of the investigations found any evidence to support the allegations.
All of this information is available whenever you are checking your sources. It only takes a minute.
John Sofranko
Isn’t the accused entitled
to face his or her accuser
I had to laugh at Alex Pietrowski’s letter to the editor (DP-Monday). The Democrats’ “kangaroo court” for the impeachment of President Trump is most assuredly causing the Founders of our beloved country to weep uncontrollably.
President Trump is being railroaded by Nancy Pelosi. Let us not forget that she’s third in line for the presidency. If she can get the president impeached, she’ll only need to find a way to get rid of the vice president and she’s in. She’s hell-bent on destroying his presidency for her own agenda. It’s not for the good of the people, it’s for the good of Pelosi.
How can the Democrats justify those ridiculous impeachment proceedings without presenting the whistleblower who made the allegation of corruption or providing concrete evidence. These proceedings have been solely based on Democratic “hearsay.”
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t it written that the accused is entitled to face their accuser(s) and by law, are entitled to a fair hearing? Or have the Democrats conveniently rewritten that part of the Constitution to suit their needs as President Obama tried to rewrite it during his terms in office? Why is it different for president? Pelosi decided he’s not entitled to the same rights as any other American citizen under the laws that the forefathers set forward in the Constitution. Pathetic.
How naïve do the Democrats think American voters are? What if the president is impeached but re-elected? Hopefully Pelosi’s time as speaker of the House will be short and she won’t be able to pull another stunt like these impeachment proceedings when he is re-elected.
Brenda Bonnett
We’re still waiting on a
lot of Trump’s promises
The Dominion Post issue of Jan.26 carries an AP story with the headline, “Trump lawyers argue Democrats just want to overturn election.” The headline accurately describes the story, but the lawyers’ arguments are wrong: That impeachment and conviction unconstitutionally overturn an election, and should not occur because the next election is only months away.
The Constitution does not specify a time limit after which impeachment/conviction may not occur (nor is there a time limit after which a president may not send up a nominee to the Supreme Court for approval by the Senate, but that’s another topic).
The Constitution specifies only that the penalty for conviction is removal of the individual from office and his/her future disqualification. The vice president succeeds to the presidency, not the nominee of the other party. So the claim that votes cast in 2016 for the Republican ticket are being “torn up and thrown away” is specious. The president’s lawyers should know better. They likely do.
However, the Constitution specifies that, under certain circumstances, votes cast legitimately do not count. I refer of course to the Electoral College. We know that 3 million votes cast in favor of the Democratic ticket were disregarded, because they were in surplus of those required to win the Electoral votes in the states concerned. This is entirely constitutional.
Of course, the current president is on record as stating just after the 2016 election that he knew that there were at least 3 million votes fraudulently cast for his opponent (and therefore that he won the popular vote as well) and that he would prove it. We are also waiting for reports about President Obama’s birth certificate (from detectives sent to Hawaii), for the current president’s tax returns (promised if he won the election), and information about Giuliani’s trip to the Ukraine, amongst other promises.
Ace Parsi