At the Health Sciences new exhbit Victoria Belcher looks at Appalachia photographs. Corporal Thomas William Bennett Medal of Honor recpt from Morgantown exhibit at health Sciences. Kierra Vanbibber looks at Dance photographs by Cylla Von Tiedemann at Health Sciences exhibit. Lindsay Knight looks a photographs of dance by Cylla Von Tiedemann at health Science exhibit.
A reception Wednesday welcomed four exhibits to the WVU Health Sciences Center.
“Pictures of Nursing: The Zwerdling Postcard Collection,” developed and produced by the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, is up through Feb. 15 in the Health Sciences Library, along with “Health Sciences Professionals Create!” — an exhibit of art and crafts by health sciences students, staff and faculty — which will be up through February.
“Looking at Appalachia: Selections,” and “Dance: Prints by Cylla von Tiedemann” are on display throughout spring semester in the HSC Pylons.
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