Government, Latest News, News, Preston County

End in sight for long-delayed PSD 1 dam

KINGWOOD — Mid-February.

That’s the latest estimate of when the dam at J.W. Ruby Research Farm will be substantially complete, Public Service District 1 (PSD 1) Operator Danny Layton told the Preston County Commission Tuesday evening.

The top level of roller compacted concrete (RCC) has been poured on the dam, and the contractors are now pouring the wings at the side of the dam.

“Provided that we don’t get a lot of rain, the pouring of the wings will continue, and they are really setting their sights on next Friday being complete with RCC,” Layton said.

The job superintendent said dirt will continue to be applied if it does not rain, Layton said. Snow is not a problem, Layton said he was told. The contractor brought a dirt dryer in from North Carolina to keep the fill dry so it compacts properly,

“At this point, they’ve kind of shifted from — not to get people’s hopes up — from maybe not the end of January to mid-February, which is still great news for my ears,” for substantial completion, Layton said.

More than a year delay in completion of the dam has caused problems with water quantity and quality for PSD 1, which previously relied on the reservoir behind the dam for its water. The district does not own the dam or the reservoir, so it is at the mercy of those who do.

Last month the contractor said that, weather permitting, substantial completion could be reached by the end of January.

Layton said he understands that the Natural Resources Conservation Service, which oversees the project, has said that the coffer dams and pumps will be the last things removed.

“At that point, they’ll be at 98% completion,” Layton said.

He was also told that the reservoir behind the dam will be filled three feet at a time. If the fill starts in mid-February, PSD 1 could be using it by summer, Layton said.

Meanwhile, the district is continuing to make arrangements for other possible water sources, if the reservoir is not available.

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