Charles Hale “Chuck” Gover Jr., 67, of Morgantown, passed away on
Dec. 30, 2019 at Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown.
Hale was born at Wright Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio, to Charles H. Gover Sr. and June Ort Gover on Jan. 22, 1952. He attended Allegany High School in Cumberland, Md. and received his Bachelor’s degree from West Virginia University in 1974. He married Nancy Kremer, of Morgantown, on May 25, 1983 in Morgantown. He worked for over 25 years at the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey where he retired in 2007. He was a veteran of the United States Air Force.
Hale’s passions included dogs, cars and sports.
Hale is preceded in death by his wife Nancy and his mother June.
He is survived by his father, Charles H. Gover Sr., of Frostburg Village Assisted Living Facility, Frostburg, Md., his cousin Lewis R. Schumann of Naples, Fla., along with other cousins and close friends throughout the area which he considered to be his family.
He will be remembered in a celebration of life to be held at Batton Hollow Winery, Lost Creek, at a later date. If friends wish to be invited to this event, please let the winery know at the following email address in order to receive an invitation: winery@battonhollowwinery.com. Dogs welcome, people tolerated.