
Salvation Army offers volunteer options

The Christmas season is all about giving to others, showing goodwill toward all and being a blessing to others without expecting anything in return.

Whether that includes giving to family and friends, volunteering to serve a Christmas meal, adopting a paper angel or filling a shoebox to send overseas, many people find a way to do something a little extra special for others this time of year.

The feeling of elation that comes from knowing you had an impact on someone else’s life — even if it’s just a smile and cheerful greeting — can be addicting. Allowing yourself to go out on a limb and do something for a stranger, or go out of your way unexpectedly for a loved one, results in a self-gratification unmatched in life.

The Salvation Army offers a variety of ways to do just that — to help others in the community, change someone else’s life and invest in the lives of others.

“I have seen the work of The Salvation Army; I have seen the lives changed through the programs offered to this community. I have sat with folks as they came to us for their evening meal. I have handed food to a worried mother so she could provide for her children, and I have been able to pray with the broken to find peace in their lives again,” said Lt. Sheldon Greenland, commander of The Salvation Army of Morgantown.

The public is invited to schedule a tour of the Morgantown Corps, to meet the officers and see behind the scenes how lives are changed through the organization.

For more information on how you can be a blessing for others, contact