Jim Savage with Post 977 hands Polly Williams of Community Action a box of food on Wednesday.
KINGWOOD — The Preston County Vietnam Veterans of America Post 977 and its associates made Christmas a little brighter for some county residents.
Members and associates raised $900 raffling off two quilts.
Money from the fundraiser was presented to Megan Sheil, Community Services Program manager for North Central West Virginia Community Action (NCWVCA) in Kingwood.
Sheil said one of NCWVCA’s programs is assisting very low-income veterans’ families with supportive services. It includes help with obtaining VA benefits, outreach services and case management. The goal of the program is to promote housing stability and prevent homelessness.
“All of the money we collect from our fundraisers goes to help people in Preston County,” Jim Savage, president of Post 977, said. “We run three 50-50 raffles a year.”
They also have a yearly yard sale in Fellowsville.
“We (the associates) do a bake sale to go along with it,” Allinda Maxon, representative associate for Preston County, said about the yard sale.
Treasurer Charles Miller said this year, Post 977 and associates made up 22 food boxes. He said 19 of them were given to older veterans or widows. The other three were donated to NCWVCA, along with two quilts.
“There was enough food in each box for four meals,” Miller said.
He said Post 977’s fundraisers allow for two $1,000 scholarships to Preston High, and $500 to the Salvation Army Angel Tree.
Vietnam veterans and their spouses who would like to join Post 977 can attend a meeting held at 7 p.m. the second Thursday of every month at the Reedsville Volunteer Fire Department. Bring your DD-214.
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