
Manchin must take action on climate change

By Danielle Walker
As a mother and a state official, I think about the health and well-being of West Virginia’s children every day. Unfortunately, many of our leaders in Washington do not. Nowhere is this more evident than their failure to take action on climate change, the single biggest threat to our children’s health and future.

My two sons are among the 34,779 children in West Virginia suffering from asthma. This was one of the issues that spurred me to run for the West Virginia House of Delegates, because I know we must clean up the pollution in our state that makes asthma worse.

While state and local leaders can and do play an important role in fighting dangerous pollution — including the carbon and methane pollution fueling climate change — local action alone will not solve our climate crisis. We need the federal government to lead the way on climate solutions that protect our health, our communities, and our economy.

West Virginians have experienced the impacts of climate change firsthand. From 2007-2016, West Virginia endured seven extreme weather events resulting in over $1 billion in economic losses. In 2018, more than 6,000 acres were consumed by wildfires. These events are made worse by climate change, and without action to cut climate pollution, we can expect them to multiply. That is why it’s no surprise a majority of West Virginians accept the reality climate change is happening.

In addition to serving as a member of the House of Delegates, I’m also proud to be a member of Moms Clean Air Force, an organization dedicated to standing up for the next generation. In 2017, as part of Moms Clean Air Force, I was proud to testify before the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in support of action on climate. The climate crisis demands our attention as parents, as West Virginians and as a nation.

Over the course of his career in public service, U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin, has been a champion for West Virginia families — fighting to improve the lives of everyone who calls West Virginia home. He’s not afraid to take on tough issues, including speaking out about the impact human activity is having on our climate, and voting against the confirmation of Andrew Wheeler, a former industry lobbyist, as EPA administrator.

However, Manchin’s actions to address the climate crisis can’t stop there. Manchin has the opportunity to join his colleagues in the Senate in supporting the International Climate Accountability Act — legislation designed to prevent the U.S. from exiting the landmark Paris Climate Agreement. The bill recognizes the important role our nation must play as a global leader addressing the climate crisis, protecting our children’s health, and bolstering the transition to a renewable energy future.

In fact, many West Virginians are already a part of the clean energy economy; West Virginia is home to over 6,500 energy efficiency jobs, with over 1,100 West Virginias working in clean energy electric power generation. Supporting this new energy future will ensure even more opportunity for our communities to benefit from this economic boom.

West Virginia needs Sen. Manchin to act on climate. The people of this state have time and time again seen his courageous leadership, but they need to see him boldly lead again. Our children are counting on him to do so. Please support the International Climate Accountability Act to ensure a safe, prosperous future for all West Virginians.

Danielle Walker represents the 51st District in the House of Delegates. This commentary should be considered another point of view and not necessarily the opinion or editorial policy of The Dominion Post.