Letters to the Editor

July 7 letters to the editor

City’s annexation will
have consequences
Most of us are taught from the time we are children that actions have consequences. Not until we are prepared to live with the consequences should we take action.

The Morgantown City Council would be wise to heed that age-old advice before forcing annexation upon 12,830 residents and 367 businesses.

Any attempted annexation would almost immediately be challenged in court resulting in lengthy litigation. How many taxpayer dollars will the city be willing to spend in order to battle annexation in court, forcing upon citizens something none of them want?

In addition to a lawsuit, annexation will inevitably impact local families and businesses. If annexation passes, we will see a swell of homes for sale by residents seeking to avoid — or unable to pay — the penalties associated with being annexed into the city. Not only will these people move out of city limits, there is a real possibility these families and businesses move out of the Morgantown area altogether.

Local businesses will be forced to move locations or downsize their workforce in order to compensate for the financial burdens incurred. Already there are businesses who refuse to work within the city limits due to the restrictive barriers and costs imposed by the city.

Finally, there will be real political consequences to annexation. Voters see annexation as an obvious money grab for a city that needs money, perhaps to afford the 3% pay raise the city approved for itself.

In the last election, 1,268 votes were the highest total by a winning candidate for City Council. There will be over 12,000 citizens ready to mobilize against City Council if it approves annexation. If this council votes to approve annexation, it better be worth it, because it will likely be one of the last votes these members of City Council take.

Evan Berryhill

Punishment by hell fire
or more sex education
Freud was right. Sex is the most driving force in a person’s psyche.

If sex wasn’t taught as a sin and discussed as a healthy act between two consenting adults and the safety of using a condom to prevent disease and unwanted pregnancies instead of destroying the minds of children reaching the age of puberty — what’s happening to my body — and explain the truth it would spare so much.

Punishment by hell fire has not worked. If we teach the true facts — what constitutes procreation and what safety measures should be taken in the act — it will become a disease free, abortion free and less angry world.
Steve Kopa

Looks to be no end
to lawlessness in world
What has happened to the world and our country ? We have become a country of lawlessness.

Every day in The Dominion Post’s police log there are people listed who have broken the law. Whether it be out of need or they just can’t help themselves.
There are the ones that are arrested for possession of a controlled substance. prohibited person in possession of a firearm and shoplifting.

But the most dangerous of them all that are not caught run red lights. These law breakers are the ones that can kill you and they don’t care. If they did they would not run traffic lights.

Then there are those that are killing or trying to kill our law enforcement officers. These people must be on drugs.

Law enforcement officers are out there to protect everybody even the people that are shooting at them. I was raised to respect our officers and so should every American.

These people who break the law were not raised to obey the law or police officers. This lawlessness will continue until these law breakers come to their senses and understand that they must obey the laws. These laws — all of them — apply to everyone, not just the few. You cannot just pick and choose which ones to obey.

I can see though that is not going to happen. People are selfish. They want what they want no matter whether they break the law or not.

So I guess the lawlessness will continue forever. Pray for our law enforcement officers — that they make it home at the end of the day and watch out for yourselves on the roads.
Ralph Correll