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Dean H Keith Jackson presents Carly Ledbetter her degree, Provost Joyce McConnell is center.
Jay Allen Chattaway was hooded and received a honorary degree from Provost Joyce McConnell Dean H. Keith Jackson is at right and David Hauser is left
College of Creative Arts graduates wait for exercises to begin.
graduates walk the stage to receive the degrees at the COLLEGE OF creative Arts.
Olivia Richardson from Woodbridge Va was the College of Creative Arts Outstanding Graduate.
Dean H Keith Jackson and Provost Joyce Mconnell at the College of Creative Arts Exercises.
Anthony Gray opens the 2019 College of Creative Arts Commencement Exercise
Dean H Keith Jackson presents Carly Ledbetter her degree, Provost Joyce McConnell is center.
A message on a cap at the College of Creative Arts Commencement Exercise.
Olivia Richardson is the College of Creative Arts Outstanding Graduate.