MORGANTOWN — Bits of concrete falling onto Interstate 68 from the Cheat Road overpass provided a clear indicator the Exit 7 bridge near Fort Pierpont needed repairs.
“The deck was cracking and full of holes,” said Ron Roberson, of Kelly Paving.
His company was awarded a contract to repair the overpass by the West Virginia Division of Highways and began the project April 4. In addition to a new deck and abutment, pier work also is involved.
“They wanted to get to it before it became a real traffic problem,” Roberson said.
Projected for completion Nov. 1, the repairs still require some patience on the part of motorists.
“We’re maintaining four lanes of traffic, two going each way,” Roberson said. “We’re doing our best not to interfere with the flow of traffic.”
That requires breaking the project into three stages — focusing on the middle and sides.
“That makes it more extensive work,” he said.
“Basically it’s the same as building three bridges. You make one bridge passable and then work on the others.”
Roberson said he has five men on the job. Additional lane restrictions are allowed on Cheat Road from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. and on I-68 from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. until the project’s completion date.
But Roberson said, “We’ll only do it when it needs to happen.”