Letters to the Editor

Brookhaven Road not safe to drive on

I would like to express my thanks to Stephen Lopez (DP-Thursday) for hopefully the first step at bringing  much needed safety improvements  to Brookhaven Road.
Yes that bane  of all  cars and trucks that includes a shortcut to and from Tyrone Road, not to mention a haven for four communities, plus private homes, at least three churches and a school.
It seems there is always time and money for anything needed by  WVU’s students and more, which taxpayers pay for.  WVU’s students don’t.
I don’t know Lopez’s  connection with this road. He  may not need to drive around a very sharp turn located almost to the top of this road and then take your life in your own hands coming down it because the only “pull over” is into a very deep ditch with no place to pull over or any warning that the ditch is there unless the weeds are mowed that fill it. No guardrails, warnings or anything. What more do we need?
Then if going up the road and starting down the other side  the disasters there that await you are still rough roads, downed trees, and now and then, a dead animal in the road.
Now back to that so-called road in front of that tall apartment building. The right side going up is fair but destruction also awaits you there if you’re  coming down. If nothing is coming up you can and do go down the wrong side and drive over the ripples if one comes into view.
What is it going to take to possibly save a few lives? It seems there is plenty of time and money for the other side of town.
Thank you, Stephen Lopez, for pointing out the need for repairing this road. I only  hope others will sound the alarm, too, if needed and this helps provide some additional  information.

Ruth Allen