MORGANTOWN — Philo T. Farnsworth made an appearance at Cheat Lake Elementary on Friday.
So did Steph Curry, Jane Goodall, Babe Ruth, Marie Curie, Wilbur & Orville Wright, Stan Lee, Amelia Earhart, all four Beatles and dozens of other notable figures — each portrayed by a fifth grader.
“This is their wax museum, and it’s a follow up to a biography that they had to research and write. They all got to pick the person wanted to do the biography on,” Teacher Wynn Johnson said. “Doing this also allows them to practice their public speaking by giving a short presentation as that person.”
So who exactly is Philo T. Farnsworth?
If you’ve ever enjoyed a Mountaineer game or scrolled through Netflix from the comfort of your couch, you can thank him — or at least his great, great niece — Megan Farnsworth.
“I invented the television,” she said, channeling the late scientist and inventor in a neat grey suit and round spectacles.
While Farnsworth told of her distant uncle’s scientific achievements, a notable in royal attire held court just down the hall.
“She was a fashion icon and I knew it would be awesome to dress up as her,” Julia Arnett said of Diana, Princess of Wales. “She was just a really influential woman.”
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