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Fran k McCutchan winner of the 500 freestyle first in school history with coach Joanna White.
MHS Preston Householder swims in WVSSAC finals
Parkersburg swim team waits for awards at the WVSSAC swimming championships.
George Washington in the finals of the WVSSAC finals state championships
Bridgeport High received their awards in the WVSSAC finals Friday.
Parkersburg swimmer in the WVSSAC State Championship finals.
University High School’s Frankie McCutchan swims in the freestyle heat at the WVSSAC State Championship.
Fran k McCutchan winner of the 500 freestyle first in school history with coach Joanna White.
UHS Frank McCutchan as he wins the 500 Freestyle at the finish
MHS Spencer Redelman in the WVSSAC finals Friday
MHS Gavin Fragale in he WVSSAC finals.
Frank McCutchan in the WVSSAC swim meet
Gavin Fragale in WVSSAC State Championship.