CHARLESTON — Sunday liquor sales moved another step closer to reality on Tuesday. Senate Judiciary amended and approved HB 2481, the bill to permit Sunday liquor sales after 1 p.m.

The Senate amendment wraps in a separate section of state code not included in the original that deals with criminal penalties for Sunday sales. Current code forbids liquor sales on Christmas Day, and the amendment clarifies that this still applies if Christmas falls on a Sunday.
It also includes an amendment offered by Sen. Bob Beach, D-Monongalia. He wondered why Christmas was singled out from among all the religious holidays. He said Christians regard Easter as more important and his amendment added a prohibition on Easter sales.
Members approved that unanimously.
Alcohol Beverage Control Administration General Counsel Anoop Bhasin answered a few questions for the committee, including one on the potential economic impact of the bill.
ABCA doesn’t really know, he said. West Virginia residents already plan around Sunday closures so this likely won’t increase their purchases.
But it should draw more tourist dollars from those who visit on Sundays and can’t buy liquor now, he said. It also should help small local distilleries springing up across the state.
HB 2481 then passed in a voice vote, with one nay. It goes to the full Senate.
If approved by the Senate, it will have to return to the House for concurrence on the amendment.
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