
A sampling of bills introduced Feb. 5

CHARLESTON – Here is a sampling of bills introduced Feb. 5. Topping the list is a Senate bill to use some severance tax money for road repairs. No bills were introduced in the House. Monongalia-Preston-Marion-area lead sponsors and co-sponsors, if any, are noted.

SB 522, nicknamed Randy’s Dream, to create the Special Road Repair Fund. It would be funded by a one-time, $200 million transfer from Rainy Day, and by using 2 percent from the 5 percent severance tax on goal and natural gas. Sen. Randy Smith, R-Tucker, lead sponsor; Sens. Dave Sypolt, R-Preston, Mike Maroney, R-Marshall, co-sponsors.

SB 523, specifies a retailer may not sell or lease an internet content product unless the product contains an active and operating digital blocking capability that renders all websites displaying obscene material or all websites known to facilitate prostitution and human trafficking inaccessible. Smith, lead sponsor.

SB 528, to ensure insurance coverage for residents with pre-existing conditions and ensure that their costs are the same as the general population. Sen. Roman Prezioso, D-Marion, co-sponsor.

SCR 25, to rename the bridge known as Deckers Creek Box Beam Bridge, carrying Monongalia County 857 over Deckers Creek, the U. S. Army PFC Andrew ‘Bo’ Martin Harper Memorial Bridge. Sen. Bob Beach, D-Monongalia, lead sponsor.

SR 28, commemorating the life and career of Coach Joe Retton. Prezioso, lead sponsor; Beach, co-sponsor. Adopted and presented on the Senate Floor.