KINGWOOD — Preston Commissioners agreed Monday to help residents pay for EMT courses.
Kelly Fike of the Preston County Ambulance Association brought the proposal to commissioners, asking that they use money that would have been allocated to Valley Ambulance — which no longer exists — to help sponsor students.
It costs a total of about $600 for the class and books.
The association asked each ambulance squad in the county to find someone interested in taking the class. Fike said so far Bruceton, KAMP, Rowlesburg and Terra Alta have responded. Mountaineer, Tunnelton and Union have not yet responded, she said.
It would be up to the squad to come up with the rest of the cost.
“Our hope are that local businesses or civic organizations will donate the additional funds as that will benefit the county and the communities,” Fike said.
“I think that’s a great idea,” Commission President Dave Price said.
He has noted in the past that county ambulance squads are having a hard time getting volunteers and the expense of getting certified is one reason. “That’s just awful to have to pay $600 to volunteer to work,” Price said.
He and Commissioners Don Smith and Samantha Stone voted unanimously to provide $400 per student, up to a total of seven. The money will be paid to the ambulance squads, which will pay the fees.
Also Monday, commissioners:
approved personnel changes at the sheriff’s department. Capt. J.L. Root Jr. is retiring as a deputy, effective Feb. 15, and will go to work as a utility officer at the courthouse for $12 per hour. Utility Officer T.J. Summers will begin as a deputy sheriff Feb. 15 at $32,000 per year.
Two officers were promoted and will receive an additional $1,500 per year. Deputy G.A. Sinclair is now a lieutenant and will be paid a total of $41,018 yearly. Deputy T.N. Tichnell was promoted to captain and will make $43,873 annually.
opened bids for a security project which will update equipment at the courthouse, Office of Emergency Management/911, sheriff’s office and annex. A $91,000 grant will pay for the work.
Entering bids were: Select Security, $88,051; Morgantown Security and Fire, $90,865; and ProTex LLC, $70,678. The bid will be awarded Feb. 4.
received a request from Public Service District 1 (PSD 1) that it be given a vehicle the county is taking out of service. It will be used for meter reading and other work. Commissioners said they would consider the request when vehicles are taken from the fleet.
Applicants are also needed to serve on the PSD 1 board. Anyone interested can contact the commission at 304-329-1805.
was briefed by County Administrator Kathy Mace on maintenance projects. She said the furnace in the wrestling barn on the county farm has been repaired but it may need to be replaced.