
A sampling of bills introduced Jan. 24

CHARLESTON – Here is a sampling of bills introduced Jan. 24. Monongalia-Preston-Marion-area lead sponsors and co-sponsors, if any, are noted.

SB 412, the The Katherine Johnson Fair Pay Act, to prevent wage discrimination by providing limitations for employers and protections for employees. Same as HB 2308. Sen. Bob Beach, D-Monongalia, lead sponsor.

SB 412, the Protect Our Right to Unite Act, to “to protect an individual’s right to support organizations that represent their beliefs without threat of intimidation or loss of employment.”

SB 416, to permit resident landowners to hunt bears on their own land by using bait. Submitted by citizen request, Sen. Dave Sypolt, R-Preston, lead sponsor; Sens. Randy Smith, R-Tucker, Mike Maroney, R-Marshall, co-sponsors.

SB 417, to require minors possessing marijuana and their parents to attend classes on the dangers of marijuana. Smith, Sypolt, Maroney, co-sponsors.

SB 419, to require PACs to disclose the names of their donors. Smith, Sypolt, Sen. Roman Prezioso, D-Marion, co-sponsors.

HB 2013, to provide a one-time $1,000 signing bonus and one time end-of-year bonus to teachers who will begin to teach in a critical 2 needs area of math, science or special education.

HB 2630, to require county school boards to employ at least one full-time nurse. Delegate Amy Summers, R-Taylor, co-sponsor.

HB 2643, the West Virginia Farm Fresh Raw Milk Act, “to allow for the sale and consumption of homemade and farm fresh raw milk and raw milk products and to encourage the expansion of raw milk dairy sales by small farm producers and accessibility of their products to informed end consumers.”