MORGANTOWN — The parents of Skylar Neese, who was murdered in 2012, will appear on “The Dr. Oz Show” at 10 a.m. Jan. 24 on ABC to discuss bullying.
“The biggest thing we want everyone to know is this could happen to anyone,” Dave Neese said. “No one is safe from crazy.”
Neese said it’s important for parents to know their kids and their friends. Not their friend’s parents, them, he said.
Skylar was closed about the bullying she experienced, Neese said. He suggested parents keep an open line of communication with their kids.
“Let them know they can come to you about anything,” Neese said.
He said there are red flags parents can see to identify bullying. Various experts will discuss what those red flags are on the show, Neese said.
Dave and Mary — Skylar’s mom — will give some examples of the bullying Skylar experienced. Things like her killers calling Skylar and making her cry. Neese said he hates using the names of the two who killed Skylar, saying they’re animals that don’t deserve it, he said.
One reason the Neeses went on the show — which was taped Jan. 15 at ABC’s studio in New York City — was to talk about Skylar and what she could have been, Neese said.
“So much was taken away from her with the tragedy that happened to her,” he said. “People focus more on the murder than on Skylar.”
Skylar, who would be 23 on Feb. 10, wanted to be a lawyer, was stubborn and had a huge heart, Neese said. He described her as a passionate and loyal friend, a 4.0 student and protective of the underdog.
“Skylar was an average kid but she was everything to us,” Neese said. “Every person’s child is that way with them.”
Doing the show was a positive experience, Neese said. He said the staff treated him and his wife with respect and integrity. Neese also said Dr. Oz is a truly nice person.
Neese was 16 when she was killed by two other teen girls, she thought were her friends. Both pleaded guilty to murder charges and are spending decades behind bars.