Life & Leisure, Marquee

Music, stories will honor slain civil rights leader Monday at MLK Day Celebration

MORGANTOWN — The Community Coalition for Social Justice (CCSJ) and Main Street Morgantown are co-sponsoring the 13th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration at 2 p.m. Monday at the Metropolitan Theatre, 369 High St.
This year’s theme is “Kids in Action,” focusing on the experiences of children who participated in the civil rights movement. This is a family-friendly event.

Mike Attfield and friends will provide music in the lobby before the event. Mayor Bill Kawecki will welcome attendees. Al Anderson and Friends, the Morgantown Children’s Choir, and the Mylan Park and Cheat Lake Elementary School choirs will perform.
Jeremy Thomas will read a story about “The Youngest Marcher,” and children will share their essays about Dr. King and activism.
Art students from St. Francis Central Catholic School provided posters for downtown businesses to promote the event.

CCSJ will have social justice-themed bumper stickers and buttons for sale. The League of Women Voters and Morgantown Human Rights Commission will have information tables in the lobby.

There is no admission charge, but CCSJ suggests that those attending bring donations for the Scott’s Run Settlement House Backpack Snack Program that provides food for area school children over the weekend, which distributed an estimated 19,680 backpacks at 11 schools in Monongalia County during the last school year.
Some foods needed are individual servings of graham crackers, animal crackers, cereal boxes, fruit snacks, Jell-O, ravioli and applesauce. A link to a complete list and more information is available at

  • The 13th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration will be at 2 p.m. Monday at the Metropolitan Theatre, 369 High St. Info: Visit or email