
A sampling of bills introduced Jan. 11

CHARLESTON — Here is a sampling of bills introduced Jan. 10 and 11. A couple of the governor’s bills promised in his State of the State Address appeared on Friday.
Monongalia-Preston-Marion-area lead sponsors and co-sponsors, if any, are noted.

Jan. 11
SB 253, to protect consumers against businesses using automatic purchase renewals without consent. Sen. Bob Beach, D-Monongalia, co-sponsor.
SB 261, to update the number of county magistrates starting in 2021. In this bill, Monongalia County gets five, Preston gets two, Marion gets three.
SB 263, to limit the number of days legislators may be paid during extended and special sessions. Sen. Roman Prezioso, D-Marion, lead sponsor; Sens. Mike Maroney, R-Marshall, Dave Sypolt, R-Preston, co-sponsors.
SB 266, the governor’s bill to create an intermediate appeals court. It has a fiscal note that has not yet been published.
SB 267, the governor’s bill to require the state Board of Education to adopt a policy concerning computer science instruction.
SB 270, governor’s bill to streamline the process for utilities to gain access to Division of Highways rights-of-way.
SB 282, to change the qualifier for low income to 300 percent or less of the federal poverty guideline from 150 percent for a senior citizens’ homestead tax credit.Sypolt, lead sponsor; Beach, Maroney, Prezioso and Sens. Charles Clements, R-Wetzel and Randy Smith, R-Tucker, co-sponsors.
SB 284, to require photo ID on voter registration cards. Sypolt, lead sponsor; Clements, Maroney, Smith, co-sponsors.
HB 2002, to allow education savings accounts for parents to receive state money, otherwise allotted to public schools, to pay for attendance at private, charter or online schools, among other things.
HB 2305, to remove authority of municipalities to restrict possession of firearms without a valid concealed carry permit in certain areas during a brief temporary event.
HB 2308, the Katherine Johnson Fair Pay Act, to prevent wage discrimination by providing limitations for employers and protections for employees. Delegate Barbara Evans Fleischauer, D-Monongalia, lead sponsor; Delegates Linda Longstreth, D-Marion, Rodney Pyles, D-Monongalia, Terri Sypolt, R-Preston, Amy Summers, R-Taylor, co-sponsors.
HB 2320, setting June 19 as “Juneteenth” to honor human rights and the end of slavery on that date in 1865. Pyles, co-sponsor.
HB 2326, to permit local health boards to combine without state approval. Summers, lead sponsor.
HB 2331, to legalize production, sale and adult use of cannabis. Delegate Mike Caputo, D-Marion, co-sponsor.
HB 2335, the Family Protection Act, to make it illegal to discriminate against an individual regarding his or her family responsibilities. Fleischauer, lead sponsor; Pyles, Caputo, Longstreth, co-sponsors.

Jan. 10
SB 231, to calculate retirement benefits for legislators based on an average of all years of service. Former legislators sometimes take higher-paying state jobs for a few years and have their benefits based on their higher pay.
SB 234, to require schools to provide elective courses on the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.
SB 238, increasing fines for passing a stopped school bus.
HB 2204, to prohibit lobbyists from serving on boards they’ve lobbied for, and to allow board members to lobby for the board.
HB 2209, to allow veterans who qualify to take the emergency medical technician licensing exam.
HB 2223, to allow active military members and their spouses, who are stationed in the state, to be considered residents for obtaining a concealed carry permit.
HB 2224, to require insurance coverage for breast cancer screenings. Delegate Linda Longstreth, D-Marion, co-sponsor.
HB 2228, to allow counties and municipalities to levy sales tax on food and drinks sold at restaurants.