
A sampling of bills introduced on Day 1 of the session

CHARLESTON – Here is a sampling of bills introduced Jan. 9. Monongalia-Preston-Marion-area lead sponsors and co-sponsors, if any, are noted.

SB 1, Increasing access to career education and workforce training bill, better known as the “last dollar” bill to ensure free community and technical college education for students and workers. Sens. Charles Clements, R-Wetzel, Rany Smith, R-Rucker, Dave Sypolt, R-Preston, co-sponsors.
SB 2, the WV Appellate Reorganization Act of 2019, to create an intermediate appeals court.
SB 3, the West Virginia Small Wireless Facilities Deployment Act, to expand broadband access. Clements, co-sponsor.
SB 4, to make the Municipal Home Rule Pilot Program permanent. Clements, Sypolt, co-sponsors.
SB 31, the return of the Local Powers Act, to allow counties, after a specified time, to set aside a portion of property tax money from industrial development worth at least $50 million for infrastructure projects. Locally, the interest is in building an Interstate 68 extension to Ohio.
SB 118, to create an independent redistricting commission.
SB 132, to create the Mountaineer Trail Network Recreation Authority, to establish a new mountain biking trail network in Mon County. Clements, lead sponsor.
SJR 5, “to clarify that courts have no authority or jurisdiction to intercede in or interfere with impeachment proceedings of the House of Delegates or the Senate and that a judgment rendered by the Senate following an impeachment trial is not reviewable in any court of this state.”
HB 2032, to allow people with concealed carry permits to carry guns on the Capitol Complex grounds.
HB 2056, to repeal right-to-work legislation. Delegate Barbara Evans Fleischauer, D-Monongalia, lead sponsor; Delegate Rodney Pyles, D-Monongalia, co-sponsor.
HB 2057, to re-establish prevailing wage for certain government contracts. Fleischauer, Pyles.
HB 2061, to allow law police officers to enforce underage drinking laws in private clubs. Fleischauer, Pyles.
HB 2080, to allow possession and smoking of medical cannabis by approved patoents.
HB 2121, to allow the retail sale of alcoholic beverages after 1 p.m. Sundays. Pyles, lead sponsor.