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Granville looks at zoning changes that could allow future cannabis dispensary

GRANVILLE — Town council is working on changes to its zoning law that would allow a cannabis dispensary in a commercial area at University Town Centre.

Granville Administrator Ron Snyder said no applications have been filed for such a business to locate there. This ordinance change is just to allow the town to take such applications in the future.
“The Planning Commission did meet and discussed the placement for cannabis dispensaries,” Granville Mayor Patricia Lewis said at this week’s council meeting. “It was decided that it would be allowed at the town center.”
An ordinance, in the drafting stage, would amend Granville’s current zoning law. Council will meet again to go over the updated zoning ordinance from the Planning Commission.
“There will be no growing areas and no processing,” Lewis said.
In February, the Appalachian Cannabis Co. (ACC) located in the Sunnyside area of Morgantown. It is the only dispensary  in Monongalia County at this time. West Virginia lawmakers made medical marijuana legal earlier this year. The law takes effect July 1, 2019, but there are still things to be worked out in the law before that can happen.

In other news:

  • Granville’s website is up and running. “There’s a business and residential section, volunteer sections, calendars with all upcoming events, and bios from each department,” Granville Office Supervisor Latina Mayle said.

Some events approaching in the town of Granville are:

  • The Tree Lighting Ceremony at 5 p.m. Dec. 1
  • The Black Bears holiday party from 4-6 p.m. Dec. 2
  • Shop With a Cop at 6 p.m. Dec. 12
  • On Saturday, the Mountaineer Food Bank will be coming to Granville from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the social hall behind Granville Town Hall.