
Wiles Hill playground re-opens Friday with accessible, inclusive equipment

MORGANTOWN — Morgantown will get its first Play for All Playground with the re-opening of Wiles Hill’s outdoor play area Friday.
The collaboration between BOPARC and WVU Medicine is intended to help create more inclusive and accessible playgrounds throughout Morgantown’s City Parks.
Upgrades to the Wiles Hill Community Playground began in the spring and two of three phases are complete. This involved removing the old equipment, and installing more inclusive components, as well as the addition of fall-zone material, to make the structure more accessible. The third phase, which is in the planning stages, will add a sensory mural element.
The community will get a chance to check out the changes for themselves at 10 a.m. Friday, when officials from BOPARC and WVU Medicine will officially re-open the playground. But those looking for a party may want to hold off until Saturday’s Day of Play, set for 1-3 p.m. The free celebration will feature live music, food, a scavenger hunt and face-painting.
“We’re really happy with the way these updates turned out,” said Melissa Wiles, executive director of BOPARC, in a press release. “We’ve been a longstanding partner with WVU Medicine and these updates are the latest example of that partnership.
“Our goal in the Play for All Program has been to make local community spaces more inclusive and accessible to everyone. We really hope the community will come out and help us celebrate.”