E-cycling event
Recycle your electronics 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday at the Craig Civic Center on Tunnelton Street, Kingwood. Enter the event from Firemen’s Field, on Price Street.
You must provide a photo ID proving you are a Preston County resident. A complete list of items that will be accepted, look for flyers in all county offices, call the county commission at 304-329-1805 or go to prestoncountywv.gov.
NOT being accepted are air conditioners, household batteries, chemicals, dehumidifiers, florescent bulbs, freezers, glass, mercury, paint, paper, plaster, radioactive equipment, rerigerators, smoke alarms, Styrofoam, thermostats, tires, weed eaters or anything containing Freon.
The event is sponsored by the Preston County Commission and West Virginia Department of Natural Resources.
McGrew mum sale
The McGrew Society is taking orders for mums through Wednesday. Colors available are red, yellow, bronze, purple, white and pink.
The cost is $6 per plant. Orders can be picked up from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. Aug. 24.at the McGrew House at 109 E. Main St., Kingwood.
To place an order, call 304-329-0884 or email mcgrewsociety@yahoo.com.
Items for Preston Footnotes can be emailed to kingwood@dominionpost.com or faxed to 304-329-3001.