Cops and Courts, News

Tunnelton man faces up to 27 years in prison

KINGWOOD — A Tunnelton man could be sentenced up to 27 years in prison.
Andrew Thomas Knotts, 29, pleaded guilty to felony burglary, felony malicious assault and misdemeanor battery in Preston Circuit Court Thursday. The plea was part of an agreement that called for the dismissal of four other charges.

Knotts was indicted by the March grand jury on two counts of burglary, malicious assault, breaking and entering, domestic battery, battery and misdemeanor destruction of property.

The sentence for burglary is one-to-15 years, malicious assault two-to-10 years, and one year or $500 or both for battery.

Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Megan Allender said the plea agreement was offered based on the wishes of the victims. She said the investigating officers did not object to the plea as long as the victims agreed.

Knotts told the court he was under the influence of Xanax and drunk, when he committed the crimes. He said he didn’t know which bar he visited prior to the incident and didn’t know where he got the Xanax. Xanax is a tranquilizer used to relieve the symptoms of anxiety or in the treatment of anxiety disorders.

Judge Steven L. Shaffer ordered a drug test and a pre-sentence investigation.