Government, News, Sports

Granville to spend $9,000 to sponsor West Virginia Black Bears

MORGANTOWN — Granville Town Council voted to pay $9,000 to sponsor the West Virginia Black Bears this season and next.
Mayor Patricia Lewis and Park Director Michael Bean were absent from Tuesday’s meeting. Recording Secretary Mary Beth Renner filled in.
The $9,000 package includes a pregame commercial at every game, concourse signs and a suite rental for 50 people for Granville’s first responder event on Labor Day.
Granville Police Chief Craig Corkrean purposed that Granville have a few standard public service announcements for regular baseball games, then a different PSA for special games.
The filming of the PSAs will be soon for the upcoming games.
“They supply filming it,” said Corkrean. “We would shoot it up there and probably incorporate players and everybody in it.”

The total attendance for the 2017 was 26,000 people.
“Granville will get a lot of exposure from this with the PSAs and everything,” Renner said.
Corkrean also presented to council designated meet-up location signs that will be placed at the University Town Centre and in the Granville Town Hall parking lot.
The signs mark a safe location where citizens can pick up online orders. The designated meet-up areas will be monitored around the clock.
In other news:
The Granville Police Department raised $3,050 for Shop with a Cop, which brings the total for August to $11,300.
The Granville Veterans Memorial will be finished before Veterans Day.
The new trash cans are up at the Granville softball park.
Field of Dreams will be playing at Movie in the Park Saturday.