Government, News

Granville Town Council votes to buy new trash bins for softball park

MORGANTOWN — Granville Town Council voted to buy 16 new trash bins for the Granville softball fields at Tuesday’s meeting.
The estimated cost for all 16 trash bins is $8,000.
Currently at the softball park, there’s a problem with trash barrels filling up with water and there’s also difficulty in unloading them. The installation of new trash bins will keep the park cleaner and make unloading more efficient.
Granville Code Enforcement Officer Mike Darnell gave council a selection of different bins to choose from.
“I printed out several different ones and if you want to limit the price of $500, $400, or $300, I’ll try to work within that,” said Darnell.
Ultimately, a motion was made to buy lidded trash bins that cost $475 each.
In other news:
Granville was asked by Monongalia County to pay a portion of $482 for an Urban Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan study.
The fee was based on percentage of population but because Granville was falsely given a town population of 2,562, Granville Mayor Patricia Lewis challenged that statistic and the cost.
“We’ve never had 2,500 residents, nor will we ever probably have 2,500 residents,” said Lewis.
Council decided to move its final decision on whether to contribute to the study to the next council meeting.
Council made a motion to accept the mission statements for the town of Granville and for the town website.
Council made a motion to acknowledge and agree with the study and report on zoning and the corresponding appendices.
The Zoning Ordinance public hearings will be held at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. July 24.
Key to Adam will be performing for Music in the Park on July 22.