Columns/Opinion, Letters to the Editor

Car was just as hot before as it was later

Donna McClain Thorn, Fairmont

It was reported in this newspaper article — “Policy change after dog death in car” (DP-June 8) — that a security officer first discovered the dog in the C6 parking lot at Ruby hospital at about 1:45 p.m. Further, the officers decided that the dog was not in distress, and about 15–20 minutes later, officers again checked on the dog.

The temperature in the parking lot was 83 degrees. So in a car with closed windows, sitting in an even hotter, heat absorbed, paved parking lot, the dog wasn’t in distress? Give me a break.

It was just as lethally hot in that car at 1:45 p.m., if not hotter, at approximately 2:15 p.m. when the officers rechecked the dog.

Are you kidding me? This is absolutely ludicrous. I want any and all of those involved to sit in a closed up car in the same parking lot for one-half hour.

Let’s just see how “not distressed” you will appear to be.

It is beyond my comprehension why the dog’s caretaker was even taking the animal with her in the first place.