Columns/Opinion, Letters to the Editor

Why is e-recycling fee forced in Morgantown?

Bob McConnell, Independence
On April 17, Morgantown City Council started the meeting with a prayer asking that City Council members be cognizant that they are spending other peoples’ money. That sentiment was nowhere to be found a few minutes later.

A city resident who was uncomfortable speaking in public had the courage to get up and speak anyway.
He asked why the new electronic recycling fee was mandatory even though a free drop-off service is available two Saturday mornings a month at the Walmart on Hornbeck Road. Not a single Council member even acknowledged his concern during subsequent proceedings to unanimously pass that mandatory fee.
I have no problem with an affluent household choosing to pay for the convenience of curbside collection of their discarded electronics. But, how can anyone possibly justify that low-income households or others preferring to use the readily available, free drop-off service be required to subsidize the lifestyle of the affluent?