MORGANTOWN — Students at University High School learned all about the Civil War during the UHS Civil War Encampment at the school on Friday. It’s the second time the school held the program, led by social studies teacher Phil Caskey.
While Friday’s events were open only to students, the encampment will continue from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. today, and the public is invited to visit to learn all about a Civil War-era soldier’s life.
Caskey said a mock-skirmish will be held at 1 p.m. today, as long as there are enough reenactors available. If not, they will still engage in a firing line.
Caskey is known for his hands-on approach to teaching the Civil War. Last year, he won the Outstanding Teacher of American History award from the West Virginia Daughters of the American Revolution, and in 2016, the Civil War Trust named him National Teacher of the Year.