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New WVU organization provides a brightening experience for kids affected by disease

For The Dominion Post

A Moment of Magic Foundation, a new organization at WVU, provides a fun experience for kids affected by disease.

The organization was founded in the Bronx by Maggy McAndrew and Kylee McGrane while they were in college. In fall 2015, they decided to allow more students in the organization, and the group grew to 40 people.

For the WVU chapter, Marra Sigler, a sophomore speech pathology major from Charles-town, said their motto for the foundation is “Brave, Strong, Fearless.”

Kaitlyn Corey, the social media director for the group, said, “It provides memorable experiences.”

Corey, a senior from Kearneysville, helps the organization by promoting events and reaching out to families.

The organization has members who dress up as princes, princesses and superheroes that visit children in hospitals, as well as host events for
the children.

Since its launch last June, the organization made 22 visits to more than 300 children.

Sigler said the visits are “a time for them to just be a kid” because the kids are often affected by serious medical issues and being a kid times is often push backed.

Members are impacted by the visits as much as the children are.

“The first hug really gets you,” Sigler said.

Will Schultz, vice president for A Moment of Magic, said, “It has opened my eyes up to pediatric cancer.”

Shultz sees this organization expanding. The goal for the chapter at WVU is to double in size this year and to get a sports team on campus involved. The bigger goal for the group is to reach hospitals in neighboring states and to reach out to NFL players.

“There is a lot of emotional strain,” Shultz said, “I think that anybody who is a part of this is going to experience some intense emotions.”

Learn more about the organization at or on Twitter: AMOM_WVU.