MORGANTOWN — The West Virginia Botanic Garden (WVBG) at Tibbs Run Preserve has several scheduled events in March.
At 1 p.m. March 17, join outdoor educator Stacy Clovis-Woofter on St. Patrick’s Day to create a “wee” garden for leprechauns, fairies and elves. Participants will venture out to the Fairy Gardens to gather natural materials for decorating their container gardens. Appropriate for children ages 3 and older with accompanying adult. Cost is $20 for WVBG members, $30 for non-members.
At 2 p.m. March 18, learn about “super foods”: How to choose and use them. March is National Nutrition Month. Certified Health Coach MaryAnn Post will encourage you to take a holistic approach to your well-being and share some common “super foods” for tasting. Most appropriate for adults. Cost is $30 for WVBG members, $45 for non-members.
At 2 p.m. March 25, Master Naturalist and Master Gardener Annette Tanner will share information about bees and other local pollinators and discuss factors leading to their decline. Why should we care? What can we do to help? Most appropriate for adults. Cost is $5 for WVBG members, $15 for non-members.
At 10 a.m. March 31, learn about bird eggs. This presentation by the Avian Conservation Center of Appalachia features a live bird of prey and a take-home craft. All ages are welcome. Cost is $5 for WVBG members, $15 for non-members.
Membership information is available online at, in the kiosk in the lower parking lot, and soon from weekend garden greeters.
WVBG is open dawn to dusk and there is no admission fee. Park in the upper parking lot and walk down the gravel road or take the newer Ridge Trail to access the trails and gardens. Hundreds of spring bulbs are stretching up out of the ground toward the sun and will soon color the garden with their blooms.
As the weather warms-up and volunteers are available, the gate to the lower parking lot will often be open on weekends from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
If you would like to volunteer at WVBG, complete an online application at, call the office at 304-322-2093, or call Coordinator of Volunteers Kay Jones at 304-816-1745. Visit the garden on weekends beginning in April to learn more about volunteering and to get a printed application from one of the Garden Greeters.
For more details and to register online visit or call 304-322-2093. WVBG is at 1061 Tyrone Road in Morgantown. Refrain from bringing pets to scheduled activities.